Post-Abortion Healing
Weekend Retreats for Healing After Abortion
Are you or a loved one hurting after an abortion? Rachel’s Vineyard invites women and men to a weekend retreat to begin the healing process after abortion.
“If the emotional and spiritual wounds of a past abortion have been sapping faith, love and joy from your life, I can promise, that if you enter this process for healing, your life will begin to change. A journey into Rachel’s Vineyard is a gift only you can open your heart to receive… A new chapter of your life awaits you. You are not alone. Take courage, God is calling you towards peace, love, hope, and freedom.”
~ Dr. Theresa Burke, Founder of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries.
Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend retreats in Hawaii during the months of April and October (call for current retreat dates). The next Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat is scheduled for: April 4-6, 2014 (Friday 5:45pm to Sunday 5:00pm) at a private retreat center on Oahu. Retreats are confidential and provide a safe, non-judgmental, supportive environment with others who have walked a similar path; it is a spiritual journey of healing that allows participants to work through feelings of shame, condemnation, guilt, anger and other symptoms commonly connected with the trauma of abortion. This invitation is extended to anyone ready to experience and receive the mercy, compassion and forgiveness of God. Team leaders minister with gentleness, love, understanding, trust, and on-going support. …. take courage!
To register for the next retreat, please call (808) 349-5071 or email: A suggested donation of $150 per person is recommended to help cover costs. Retreats include accommodations, meals for three days and two nights, plus materials. Registrations are strictly confidential. Also, visit us at for more information about Rachel’s Vineyard nationally and internationally.
“…do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you by name and you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you. For I am the Lord your God who saves because you are precious in my eyes and because I love you.” – Isaiah 43